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Join our Carrier Network

Please complete this form to register your Business with IQ Logistics national transporter network.

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Chain of Responsibility Checklist

IQ Logistics is committed to taking all practical steps to reduce work related injury and illness, ensuring the health, safety and welfare of all workers, visitors and the general public.

Legislation requires our Company to comply with relevant Safety Legislation, Codes of Practice and Australian Standards, including Chain of Responsibility (CoR) requirements.

To ensure Chain of Responsibility requirements are met, IQ Logistics requires you to complete the checklist below. By selecting Yes, you are confirming that you have supporting documentation which is both current and available upon request.

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Chain of Responsibility Policy

Please read the following before completing the acknowledgements at the end.



What is Chain of Responsibility?

Chain of Responsibility (CoR) is a nationally legislated program of compliance and enforcement that aims to improve safety and reduce accidents across the road transport industry.

The "Chain of Responsibility" extends legal liability for certain road law offences to all parties who by their actions, inactions or demands exercise control or influence over the entire transport chain. All persons involved in consigning, packing, loading, driving, operating and receiving are covered by this legislation.

IQ Logistics Pty Ltd will not knowingly ask or expect any employee or contractor to do anything that is unlawful or that will create a dangerous or potentially dangerous situation.

Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL)

The HVNL came into effect in 2014 it was established to provide nationally consistent laws.

The Chain of Responsibility laws apply across all areas in the supply chain where investigations and enforcement into CoR breaches occur. The aim is to positively influence the actions of those involved in the heavy vehicle transport industry and ensure all parties who influence on-road behaviour are held accountable for breaches of road transport laws.

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to IQ Logistics Pty Ltd staff on CoR.


This policy is designed to form part of IQ Logistics Pty Ltd compliance strategy. It applies to all employees, contractors and visitors that have responsibility for or involvement in activities that fall within the scope of the road transport laws. This may include (but not be limited to) roles within logistics, supply chain and support roles. This includes, full time, part time and casual employees as well as contractors or subcontractors working for or on the behalf of IQ Logistics Pty Ltd.

This policy applies to all IQ Logistics Pty Ltd workplaces and other workplaces or situations where employees, contractors or subcontractors may be working or representing IQ Logistics Pty Ltd.


All employees and contractors should consider their actions and ask for guidance. If you are ever in doubt about a course of action, ask yourself the following:

  • Is it consistent with the policy?
  • Is it safe?
  • Is it appropriate and legal?

If your answer is “No” to any of these questions, don’t do it.

If you are still uncertain, ask for guidance. The policy attempts to capture many of the situations that employees and contractors may encounter, but it cannot address every circumstance. In the first instance, always check with your manager. If in doubt seek further guidance.

Manager’s Responsibilities:
  • Ensure that the people you supervise understand their responsibilities under the Chain of Responsibility policy
  • Take opportunities to discuss the policy and reinforce the importance of safety and compliance
  • Create an environment where employees and contractors feel comfortable raising concerns
  • At no time encourage or direct employees or contractors to achieve business results at the expense of ethical conduct or compliance with any policy or law
  • Document all relevant process, audit and training information appropriately.


Chain of Responsibility is relevant for all areas of IQ Logistics Pty Ltd, particularly in the areas that deal with logistics such as workers organising the road transport of goods.

The four (4) main elements of the Chain of Responsibility are:

Mass & Dimension Limits

Ensuring that trucks leave sites within the mass carrying constraints and that the mass is distributed across the truck axles. Also ensuring dimension limits are adhered to.

Load Restraint

Ensuring that when trucks are loaded that the load is placed and restrained in a way so it does not become unstable, move or fall off the vehicle.

Driver Fatigue

Ensuring that drivers are well rested and are given adequate time to take their scheduled rest breaks. Taking into consideration the amount of hours worked.


Ensure that driver’s routes are realistic and safe and that we are not imposing demands that may result in a driver putting themselves or others at risk. Schedules need to take into account the distance that needs to be covered, traffic conditions and delays at receiving sites.


IQ Logistics Pty Ltd operates ethically at all times and expects contractors to do the same. Before engaging a Third Party operator, reasonable enquiries into their policies, processes and practices is required.

Operational policies across the Chain of Responsibility spectrum of Mass, Load Restraint, Driver Fatigue and Speed are required to be evidenced. In addition Health Safety & Environment (HSE) including Drug and Alcohol policies.

If a third party does not meet IQ Logistics Pty Ltd required standards they should not be engaged to perform works for or on behalf of IQ Logistics Pty Ltd.

IQ Logistics Pty Ltd has a duty of care for all workers, and safety will not be compromised for any reason. IQ Logistics Pty Ltd must not enter into a contract or other agreement with the driver of a heavy vehicle, or with a party in the chain of responsibility for a heavy vehicle, that IQ Logistics Pty Ltd knows would encourage or provide an incentive for the vehicle’s driver, or a party in the chain of responsibility for the vehicle to cause the vehicle’s driver, to exceed a speed limit.


Heavy Vehicle Definition: A vehicle is a heavy vehicle if it has a Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) of more than 4.5 tonnes.

Regulated Heavy Vehicle Definition: A vehicle is a regulated heavy vehicle if it has a Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) of more than 12 tonnes.

It is a requirement that any heavy vehicle consigned to do work for IQ Logistics Pty Ltd has the following information verified prior to commencement and is maintained for the duration of that work:

  • Vehicle Registration
  • Appropriate Insurance(s)
  • Maintenance up to date
  • Fit for purpose
  • Appropriate load restraint for task
  • Speed Limiter functional - (Regulated Heavy Vehicle)


Any driver engaged to do work for IQ Logistics Pty Ltd must have the following information verified prior to commencement of that work:

  • Appropriate Heavy Vehicle Drivers License
  • Medically fit to Drive
  • Required Insurances
  • Trained in CoR requirements.

If at any time a driver does not meet the above requirements they are to inform IQ Logistics Pty Ltd immediately. Failure to comply with this component of the Policy may result in termination of employment.


Fatigue can affect a person’s health, reduce performance and productivity, and increase the chance of a work place accident or road crash.

IQ Logistics Pty Ltd and all parties in the supply chain must take reasonable steps to ensure that any risks associated with fatigue are identified, minimised, controlled or eliminated.

Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Drivers properly managing their work and rest and not driving if fatigued
  • Ensuring trip schedules have sufficient flexibility and are reasonable
  • Maintaining effective loading and queuing practices
  • Ensuring that commercial arrangements do not incentivise the driver to break the law (eg driving excessive hours or speeding to meet deadlines)


Schedulers must take all reasonable steps to ensure the schedule will not cause the vehicle to breach mass limits or cause the driver to exceed the legal speed limit.

Reasonable steps include but are not limited to:

  • Consulting the driver or operator prior to finalising the schedule
  • Taking account of the average speed that can be travelled lawfully on scheduled routes
  • Allowing for traffic conditions or other delays in schedules
  • Contingency planning concerning schedules


IQ Logistics Pty Ltd must ensure that any vehicle that is loaded with a company product or asset, is loaded in line with the Mass Limits of that vehicle.

IQ Logistics Pty Ltd will provide the driver or nominated representative, with all relevant mass information related to the load prior to loading and in case of pre-loaded vehicles prior to departure.

The driver or nominated representative has the authority to request adjustments to the load if the driver is concerned with the weight of the load. The gross mass of the load is required to be placed on the vehicle in line with legal axel mass limits.

As all vehicles are different and drivers know their vehicles best the driver is responsible to direct the loader to position the load according to his vehicle axel mass limits.

It is also imperative that mass and dimension limits are adhered to throughout the delivery cycle including when freight is removed or added to the vehicle.

Refer to the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation


IQ Logistics Pty Ltd will not pressure, direct or encourage a driver to speed for any reason. IQ Logistics Pty Ltd insists on safe work behaviour and speeding will not be tolerated.

IQ Logistics Pty Ltd and its transport providers will ensure a robust approach to speed management that incorporates but is not limited to the following controls:

  • Regular consultation with drivers
  • Reviewing of driving, work and trip records
  • A program to report incidents of speeding and related risks and hazards
  • Training and information for drivers, staff and parties in the chain of responsibility
  • A policy in place that states that drivers must not tamper with speed limiting equipment
  • Regular maintenance and checks of vehicle components that relate to complying with speed limits (speed limiters, speedometer, engine management systems)
  • Remuneration model that does not incentivise or penalise drivers for early or late deliveries


The safe loading of heavy vehicles is vitally important in preventing injury to people and damage to property.

Every load that leaves an IQ Logistics Pty Ltd site must be restrained in line with the National Transport Commissions Load Restraint Guide 2018.

The load must be restrained to withstand forces of at least:

  • 80% of its weight in the forward direction
  • 50% of its weight sideways and rearwards
  • 20% of its weight vertically

If you are unsure of what the correct load restraint required for a vehicle or load type is, see your immediate manager.


The Policy sets standards of behaviour expected from everyone who performs work for IQ Logistics Pty Ltd.

Breaches of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

For contractors, it may lead to the immediate termination of a contract. It is expected that suppliers will enforce a similar set of standards with their employees.


If you observe behaviour that concerns you, or that may represent a violation of the Policy, raise the issue promptly with your Manager. Doing so will allow IQ Logistics Pty Ltd an opportunity to deal with the issue promptly.


I acknowledge:
  • That I have read IQ Logistics' Chain of Responsibility Policy and I agree that we will act in accordance with the responsibilities and accountabilities as described within the document; and
  • I have had the opportunity to raise any queries in relation to the document and I understand the Policy and it's effect. I may also, at my own discretion, visit nhvr.gov.au for further information before signing this Acknowledgement; and
  • I am authorised to sign the Policy and will make it my duty to educate all of our own staff, associates and contractors of our responsibilities to act in accordance with CoR.
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Upload Documents

Based on your previous answers please provide the following relevant documents.

Insurance Documents:

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Please supply the following Certificates of Currency via email to admin@iqlogistics.com.au within 48 hours.
  • Public Liability
  • Workcover
  • Motor Insurance
  • Marine Insurance
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Accreditation Documents:

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Please supply the following Certificates of Currency as applicable via email to admin@iqlogistics.com.au within 48 hours.
  • Mass Management
  • Maintenance Management
  • H.A.C.C.P.
  • Food Safe
  • Meat Transportation Licence
  • Dangerous Goods
  • Any other accreditation as indicated
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Freight Provider Terms & Conditions

Please read the following before completing the acknowledgements at the end.

By providing Services to the Company, the Provider agrees to accept and be bound by the Company’s provider terms and conditions. All and any business undertaken by the Provider for the Company shall be subject to both the Company’s trading terms and conditions of contract as well as the Company's provider terms and conditions which are as follows:

1. Definitions

“Agreement” means this Agreement

“Company” shall mean IQ Logistics Pty Ltd (ACN number 158 387 869), its employees, servants, agents, subsidiaries and/or associated entities.

“CoR” shall mean Chain of Responsibility laws, introduced to the National Heavy Vehicle Law, as amended.

“Customer” shall mean the shipper (consignor), the receiver (consignee), the owner of the Goods, the bailor of the Goods or the person for whom any of the Services are arranged and/or performed.

“Goods” shall mean the chattels, articles or things tendered for by the Customer for the Services and shall include the container(s), unit load device(s) or other packaging containing the same and any other pallet(s) delivered with the same to the Company or Contractor by the Customer or for or on its behalf.

“Laws” includes legislation (whether federal or state), regulations, by laws, codes of practice or any other requirement of any Government or regulatory authority which is enforceable by law.

“Services” shall mean the carriage, movement, packing, handling, storage/warehousing and/or any other service arranged or performed pursuant to, or ancillary to, this contract with the Company.

“Dangerous goods” shall mean such of the Goods as shall be, or become, in fact or at law noxious, dangerous, hazardous, explosive, radioactive, inflammable or capable by their nature of causing damage or injury to other goods, persons, plants or animals or to any thing including that in which the Goods are carried, handled or stored.

“Valuables” shall mean bullion, coins, precious stones, jewellery, antiques, or works of art.

“Perishable goods” shall mean Goods that shall be in fact or law liable to deteriorate in quality and/or value and shall include, but not be limited to, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, etc.

“Provider” shall mean and include any person, firm or company (other than the Company) with whom the Company contracts to perform the Services or that performs the Services (or a part thereof). Words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa and words importing any gender include all genders and words importing a person include firm, corporation or other entity where appropriate.

“Trading Terms” shall mean the Company's trading terms and conditions as published on the Company's website, as amended.

“Writing” includes email.

2. Acceptance of Agreement

The Provider may enter into this agreement with the Company by:

  1. Signing a copy of the Agreement; or

  2. Acknowledging (whether electronically or otherwise) having read the Agreement; or

  3. Providing Services to the Company after having had access to a copy of this Agreement.

3. Entire Agreement

  1. These terms in conjunction with the Company's Trading Terms shall constitute a full and complete statement of the Agreement between the Company and the Provider and no variations or modifications of any term of the Agreement shall be binding unless agreed to in Writing by the Company.

  2. The Company may vary or amend these terms by written notice to the Provider at any time. Any variations so made will only apply to orders requested to the Provider for Services after the time that the variation has been brought to the Provider's notice, with such notice being deemed to have occurred if the Company sends the notice to any Provider address (whether email or otherwise).

4. Term of Agreement

These terms in conjunction with the Company's Trading Terms shall cover all dealings between the Company and the Provider until it is replaced by an alternate written Agreement or is terminated in accordance with it's terms.

5. Offer of Services

  1. The Provider may from time to time during the currency of this Agreement advise the Company of services it is willing to offer to the Company's current or future prospective Customer.

  2. The offer of Services shall be in a format specified from time to time by the Company which may include the completion of offer forms (whether hard copy of or online).

  3. The offer shall include such information as is reasonably required to market the Services including, but not limited to, the price at which the services are offered.

6. Promotion of Services

The Provider, by offering any Services, authorises the Company to market those services in any manner and forum it deems fit save that it shall not in any way misrepresent the Services offered by the Provider.

7. Notice and Documentation

  1. In the event that there is a delay in the loading or unloading of the Goods, the Provider must provide immediate notice in writing or by phone, to the Company fifteen minutes before loading/unloading time exceeds 90 minutes loading/unloading time for single trailer loads and 120 minutes loading/unloading time for double trailer loads. Demurrage charges will not be accepted by the Company if the Provider fails to supply appropriate notice at the time of delay.

  2. Within five (5) business days of the completion of booked services, the Provider must supply to the Company, all signed proof of delivery (POD) paperwork, pallet documentation and driver fatigue questionnaire(s).

8. Payment of Services

  1. Unless formally agreed otherwise, or required by law, the payment terms for all Provider invoices will be 30 days from end of month.

  2. The Company will accept Provider invoices once/if:

    1. Invoices received state the Provider registered business number(ABN/ACN) and comply with Australian Taxation Office (ATO) requirements.

    2. Invoices received clearly state the corresponding Company booking ID for the charge.
    3. Signed proof of delivery (POD) paperwork, pallet documents and drivers fatigue questionnaires have been received and processed by the Company for the corresponding freight booking.

    4. Documents received via email are accepted only as the following digital attachment types - PDF, JPEG, Excel, TIFF, Word, BMP (browser links are not recognised).

9. Subcontracting

The Provider must not engage any Subcontractor to perform Services for the Company unless:

  1. The Provider obtains the prior written approval of the Company to do so; and

  2. The Provider ensures that the Subcontractor:

    1. Is appropriately licensed and registered to provide the Services; and

    2. Is appropriately insured to provide the Services; and

    3. Is complaint with Australian CoR and Privacy legislation; and

    4. Is appropriately equipped and experienced to provide the Services; and

    5. Complies with all applicable Laws; and

    6. Ensures that all Services are provided using industry best practice and at all times in a safe and efficient manner; and

    7. Notifies the Company in the event that a Customer makes any claim, demand or complaint of any kind in respect to the provision of Services.

10. Breach by Provider

The Provider indemnifies the Company in respect of any costs incurred by the Company (including legal costs on a solicitor/client basis) as a result of any breach of this Agreement by the Provider. Such costs include but are not limited to the costs of any demands made of the Provider to remedy any breach, and any legal proceedings to recover unpaid monies.

11. Provider's Warranties

  1. The Provider must:

    1. Be appropriately licensed and registered to provide the Services; and

    2. Be appropriately insured to provide the Services; and

    3. Be complaint with Australian CoR and Privacy legislation; and

    4. Be appropriately equipped and experienced to provide the Services; and

    5. Comply with all applicable Laws; and

    6. Ensure that all Services are provided using industry best practice and at all times in a safe and efficient manner; and

    7. Notify the Company in the event that a Customer makes any claim, demand or complaint of any kind in respect to the provision of Services.

  2. The obligations in sub-paragraphs i. and ii. above shall apply equally to any employee, agent or Subcontractor of the Provider.

12. Provider’s Indemnity

The Provider indemnifies the Company against all claims, demands, losses or damage of whatsoever nature arising directly or indirectly from:

  1. Any breach of this Agreement by the Provider; or

  2. The provision of Services to the Customer.

13. Director’s Guarantee

In the event that the Provider is an incorporated entity it agrees that it will, if called upon at any time by the Company to do so, procure from any one or more of it's Directors (as required by the Company) a personal guarantee of the Provider's obligations pursuant to this Agreement in a form acceptable to the Company, with such guarantee to cover both future liabilities and any liabilities of the Provider to the Company which predate the signing of the guarantee.

14. Lien

The Provider shall not seek to exercise a lien of any kind over Customer's goods unless the Company has agreed in writing to that occurring.

15. Cancellation of Orders

In the event that any Customer purports to cancel an order for Services with the Provider, the Provider must not accept that cancellation without first obtaining the approval from the Company as to whether the purported cancellation should be accepted and, if so, on what terms.

16. Force Majeure

The Company shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever to the extent that it has been prevented from performing any obligation under this Agreement by reason of matters beyond it's control, including without limitation:

  1. Acts of God, accidents or machinery breakdown; or

  2. Acts or threats of terrorism or war; or

  3. Industrial disputes or strikes.

17. Termination on Notice

Either party may terminate this Agreement by giving the other party 30 days notice of it's intention to do so.

18. Immediate Termination

The Company may terminate this Agreement immediately by giving written notice to the Provider if the Provider:

  1. Goes into liquidation; or

  2. Has an administrator or a receiver to it's property or assets appointed; or

  3. Is made bankrupt; or

  4. Materially breaches it's obligations under this Agreement where such breach is either not capable of remedy or, if capable of remedy, the other party fails to remedy such breach within 14 days after receipt of written notice of such breach by the other party; or

  5. Engages in any conduct (which includes any conduct by employees, agents or subcontractors of the Provider) which in the opinion of the Company is or might be damaging to the reputation of the Company.

19. Effect of Termination

The termination of this Agreement for whatsoever reason shall not in any way effect any rights or responsibilities accruing prior to the termination taking effect and the Company's rights in the event of default (including the ongoing accrual of interest and the right to indemnity for costs) shall continue beyond any termination.

20. Relationship of Parties

Nothing in this Agreement shall give rise to a partnership or relationship of employment between the parties.

21. Waiver

Any failure or delay by the Company to exercise a power or right does not operate as a waiver of that power or right. The exercise of a power or right does not preclude either it's exercise in the future of the exercise of any other power or right. A waiver is not effective unless it is in writing.

22. Reading Down of Agreement

If a clause in this Agreement is void or otherwise unenforceable it must be read down so as to be unenforceable or, if it cannot be so read down, it must be severed from this Agreement without affecting the enforceability of the remaining terms of the Agreement.

23. Law and Jurisdiction

  1. Any dispute arising under this Contract shall be governed by the laws of Victoria and shall be determined exclusively by the courts of Victoria or by the court of the Company’s choice.

  2. A reference to any law includes a statutory modification, substitution or re-enactment of it.


I acknowledge:
  • That I have read IQ Logistics' Freight Provider Terms and I agree that we will act in accordance with the responsibilities and accountabilities as described within the document; and
  • I have had the opportunity to raise any queries in relation to the document and I understand the terms and their effect; and
  • I am authorised to sign this Acknowledgement.
Please answer.

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I declare that all of the information provided within this form is true and correct.
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